Lord Sammo
Public images: 168
Behold, an artistic marvel that transcends the boundaries of reality itself. This ultra photorealistic masterpiece, graded at a staggering 1.3 on the scale of visual perfection, captures the essence of a lone gunslinger in a cowboy shot that boasts a 1.2 rating for its impeccable composition. 

The quality of this creation is nothing short of the best, with painstaking attention to detail elevating it to the realm of ultra realism. Every nuance, every contour of the subject's form is depicted in breathtaking accuracy, as if it were a real picture brought to life. The skin, so astonishingly realistic, seems almost tangible, and the face, a study in lifelike perfection, bears an uncanny resemblance to a living being.

This portrait, with its high quality and ultra-detailed rendering, presents a single enigmatic figure, a beautiful girl rendered with an extra layer of meticulous care, earning it a 1.05 rating for its beauty and those strikingly detailed eyes. Bathed in cinematic light, the composition features subtle light blue highlights that add an ethereal touch to the scene, imbuing it with an aura of the mysterious and the otherworldly.

And yet, amid all this visual splendor, the subject's expression remains emotionless, adding a sense of intrigue and depth to the piece. This is a full-body portrait that invites you to gaze upon it in awe, a testament to the pinnacle of artistic achievement where realism meets illustration, culminating in a work that earns a 1.1 rating for its best quality.
(ultra photorealistic:1.3), (masterpiece:1.4), (cowboy shot:1.2), best quality, ((realistic)), high quality, ultra detailed, ((Real picture)), ((realistic skin)), ((realistic face)), (best quality:1.1), (illustration:1.05), (1girl:1.05), (beautiful:1.05), (beautiful detailed eyes:1.05), (cinematic light:1.1), light blue highlights, emotionless, full body portrait
Image size:
512x512 px
File size:
387,37 kB
371 days ago