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In a vast, starry expanse, where galaxies twinkle like glitter in the night, a thrilling space fight unfolds. Two mighty robots, each as big as planets, clash in a battle of cosmic proportions.

One robot gleams with metallic sheen, its surface adorned with blinking lights and glowing circuits. It raises its arms, which are armed with laser cannons that crackle with energy. Across from it, the opposing robot looms, its silhouette ominous against the dark backdrop of space. Its body is sleek and streamlined, pulsing with digital energy, and its eyes glow with an eerie intensity.

As they clash, beams of light streak through the darkness, illuminating the scene with bursts of color. The robots dance around each other, exchanging blows with thunderous crashes that reverberate through the cosmos. Explosions bloom like fiery flowers in the void, casting dramatic shadows against the infinite black canvas.

Despite the darkness of space, the scene is alive with energy and excitement. It's a battle for the ages, a clash of titans among the stars, and the outcome hangs in the balance as the robots continue their epic duel amidst the silent vastness of space.
space fight between robots, sci-fi, digital painting, dark background. make it simple so that kids can draw it
Image size:
768x768 px
File size:
732.43 kB
76 days ago