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Ninja, or 忍者 (pronounced as "ninja" in English), is a traditional Japanese warrior known for their exceptional skills in espionage, sabotage, and martial arts. Rooted deeply in Japanese history and folklore, ninjas were masters of stealth and deception, often employed by feudal lords for covert operations during the Sengoku period.

Clad in their iconic black attire, ninjas possessed a vast array of specialized tools and weapons, including shuriken (throwing stars), kunai (daggers), and katana (swords). They were trained in various martial arts disciplines such as ninjutsu, taijutsu, and kenjutsu, honing their bodies and minds to perfection.

The essence of being a ninja lies in their ability to move unseen and unheard, blending seamlessly with their surroundings like shadows in the night. They were skilled infiltrators, capable of gathering intelligence, conducting assassinations, and executing daring escapes with unparalleled precision and agility.

Despite their reputation as silent killers, ninjas were also revered for their code of honor, known as ninpo, which emphasized loyalty, discipline, and self-mastery. Their mystique and legendary feats continue to captivate imaginations worldwide, making them enduring symbols of cunning and resilience.
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100 days ago